Sign of the Obama Times

Sign of the Obama Times
Obama Gets Message, Lady Gets Fired...Too Bad!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Secrets of the Czars

Goldman anThe secrets of the czars and their boss, Obama are manifold.

SOE is an abreviation for State Owned Enterprises. The term is commonly used for the companies that are socialist communist owned in China where the government owns everything. The properties people think they bought in China are not really owned because the land is on 50-75 yr lease.
Nowhere is the total cost of these bailouts? Does anyone have any idea or just not inclined to say.

Some say the total ticket on housing bailout floated at just under $1 trillion.

Look at the pattern people:

First, nationalize the mortgage industry. Turn screws periodically to tighten control while maintaining the illusion of protecting the "free market."

Second, nationalize the education industry. Eliminate private student loans. When all funding comes from federal government, control of all branches of education (including major influence over private universities) will be greater than in any post Soviet-era state.

Third, nationalize health care. Dumbass insurance companies are waking up (TOO LATE, losers!) to the fact that they are now quasi-nationalized too. But that bill is as good as law and these guys are toast. What, no chess players on the Boards of these companies? No one looked more than one move ahead.

Fourth, through cap and trade (or whatever it mutates to next), nationalize energy, transportation (already partly accomplished via "bailouts" in Detroit) and big chunks of industry (poster child: Jeff Immelt).

Is this slo-mo Fabian socialist takeover clear to you all now? It can all be accomplished within Obama's first term. It hardly matters that he won't get a second. This would take 20 years to unravel.

Rangle authored the Tax Extenders Act of 2009 (HR 4213), which just passed on 12/10, and "would more than double the taxes on carried interest received by general partners in real estate partnerships because the carried interest would no longer be taxed as capital gains at 15%, but as ordinary income with rates as high as 35%."

"That’s a huge increase at a time when the industry is on the precipice, so to speak," says Thomas Bisacquino, president of the NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association. "There really isn’t any real estate-related group that supports it. We're trying to stimulate the industry. We feel it would create a huge impediment."
Charlie Rangel's F.E. approach may stimulate real estate lobbyists to wine and dine the 535 but if the 435 has NO property and is not interested in any moneymaking and monkeys take flight from their inner recesses, AND the 100 Senators are likewise unlanded gentry, no ambition for income and said monkeys do their deed, it wouldn't be the stupidest thing Congress has wrought. The 15 trillion is a gargantuan example of idiotic buttocksatry and will take some really, really rockhead doing to top, but given the present state of the Republican and Democrat Parties...they will TRY! Power and money does things to peoples' minds that the mythical MeKong could never do, despite its reputation for intoxication and Congress' exploitation of the situation has been from their mental degradation by punk lawyer peer association. Just ask Obama!

GOP writing jobs bill so Democrats can lazily reject it and call them names. How about instead they write a RECALL ELECTION BILL for eliminating especially shitty presidents?
"Perpwalk Time" for Solyndra executives and politician pals

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If you need any more weasel words, go see an attorney.laugh at tomscommonsense.blogspot

The trend as of January 21,2009 has been Up With Czars Down With Joe American's Job.
Bush the "W" had 43 according to one source. No one has tried to count Barack Hussein Obama's czars. These have gained notority due to many, perhaps 96% of them, being "notorious". Most people had not heard of the unofficial title until a "real stinker", Van (Man You Can't Stand) Jones, an admitted communist, was chosen, uproared out, to allegedly the same 6-7 figure income as an "advisor". People did not know Jones went from "do nothing" to paid vacation for the duration.

Fairly recent was the onset of "czar history",one of the first czars in Washington, D.C. was the director of the Office of National Drug-Control Policy, A.K.A. the nation's drug czar. The job and its unofficial title began in 1982, when Joe (Bite Me) Biden of the Senate told The New York Times that a reinvigorated war on drugs could not be effective without a Cabinet-level "drug czar" who would coordinate the efforts of various federal agencies. The position was established officially in 1988. Apparently to assure "progressives" chose first.
Afghanistan Czar, Richard C. Holbrooke, was an ultra liberal anti-gun and pro-abortion and for legal drug use. Conde Nast Portfolio reported in June of 2008 that Holbrooke and his son allegedly got multiple below-rate loans or "sweetheart loans" at Countrywide Financial because the corporation considered them "FOA's"or "Friends of Angelo", the Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo R. Mozilo for some unknown reason.(12) Richard C. Holbrooke died Dec.13,2010. replacement,Ambassadors do this.
bank bailout czar, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) czar,United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability, Senior Advisor to Secretary of the Treasury, AKA alledged Go-to-man-for-donation-recycling-to-Obama-and-DNC
AIDS Czar, Jeffrey Crowley, an admitted homosexual and a "Gay Rights" activist. Jeffrey Crowley believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays. Lawyers LOVE Gay "Marriage$".
As auto recovery/autoworker Czar Edward B. Montgomery is a black radical anti-business activist, who eyes US decline as "more left for the rest of the world". Natural affinity/bias for affirmative action and job preference for blacks. He is an economist who ignored flood of Columbia, Jamaican, and Mexico drug money ruining savings interest at banks and all financial institutions when writing his doctorial dissertation. Georgetown University announced that Montgomery became Dean of the Georgetown Public Policy Institute officially on Aug. 15, 2010. (4) G.U. has 4 deans. (8) While dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park taught that US business has caused world poverty (by moving US jobs overseas?). He is an ACORN board member and Communist DuBois Club member.
Border Czar, Alan Bersin, who could be the "diamond" among "Czar excremental debris", was former superintendent of San Diego Unified School District, where he instituted a series of top-down reforms that brought him national recognition, angered San Diego's teachers union which loathes him about $500,000 worth as "polarizing" (2)but is an ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Alan Bersin was Border Czar under Janet Reno and he appeared to be worthily despised by illegals' advocates and "coyotes".
California Water Czar, David J. Hayes Sr., is a Fellow of a radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. Has no training or experience in water management. Never so much as worked in waste water recovery.(3)
Car Czar, Ron Bloom, in his early fifties, is among the players in the administration’s new strategy. He is known for his profound love of profanity. (9) He was an auto union worker with anti-business and anti-nuclear power aganda. He has worked desasterously to force US auto makers out of business. Ron Bloom is on the Board of Chrysler which is now auto union owned. How did this catastrophe happen? Careful planning. Obama repaid unions for assistance in becoming president and that moves America towards the oblivion objective...forward digress, divide and conquor.
Central Region Czar, Dennis B. Ross, believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. The Atlantic Monthly’s Jeffrey Goldberg accused Rosen of aing “an anonymous administration official to hijack her blog and accuse the National Security Council's Dennis Ross of dual-loyalty.”(9)In June of 2009, Dennis Ross was promoted to a position on the National Security Council, to oversee strategy development for some of the most challenging areas of world foreign policy. (10) Ross is said and alledged to be the Obama apologist to the world. He is alledged to be anti-gun and pro-abortion.
The Domestic Violence Czar, Lynn Rosenthal, is Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence and is alledged to be a vicious anti-male feminist. E.G. She supported male castration although she has no idea what it would feel like.
Drug Czar, Gil Kerlikowske, is a devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, As a former Chief of Police appointed in Liberal Seattle, he believes no American should own a firearm. Alledgedly supports legalization of drugs.
Economic Czar, Paul Volcker, was head of Federal Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed with extreme "mailase".
Many of Carter regime ideas that smothered economic recovery are utilized with desasterous chaotic "success". Obama knows failed FDR strategies also strangle economic recovery. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti-business “Progressive Policy” organization. Energy and Environment Czar, is Carol Brower, a political Leftist radical. As former head of EPA infamous for for anti-business activism, she favors strong anti-gun ownership.
Faith-Based Czar, Joshua DuBois, is a political black activist-degree in Black Nationalism. Rabid anti-gun ownership lobbyist.
The Health food czar", Sam Kass, former Chicago way Obama mansion chef, was promoted to earn some seriously ridiculous money.

"In a comical move even for a czar-happy president who has rewarded dozens of cronies with distinguished titles, the White House has named the Obamas' personal Chicago cook as 'Senior Policy Adviser for Healthy Food Initiatives,'" reports the Washington government watchdog Judicial Watch.

"It's no joke, even though it sounds like a bad one. The Chicago chef's rapid ascension ... has been kept under the radar for the last month," Judicial Watch said.(16)

Great Lakes Czar, Cameron Davis is a Chicago radical anti business environmentalist who blames George Bush for “Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink” although he has no experience or training in water management. He is a former ACORN Board member.

"What exactly does a 'community organizer' do?" and one thing a community organizer does, if he's Barack Obama, (or a radical anti-business environmentalist like Cameron Davis) is pressure banks to make bad loans. Obama's fingerprints are over this, too, because his group ACORN is all involved. The Community Reinvestment Act "was meant to encourage banks to make loans to high-risk borrowers, who are often minorities living in unstable neighborhoods. That has provided an opening to radical groups like ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), and a group that is constantly engaged in illegal voter registration, among other things.(13)
Ben Stein wrote an article called,"Our Caudillo President (AKA high-handed strongman,dictator, "Führer" and "Il Duce"): (excerpt)

We live in a Constitutional Republic. The President's job under the Constitution is to enforce the laws made by the elected Congress. His job is not to create new laws and enforce them all by himself. His job is as magistrate under the Constitution, not as Caudillo. He is not the law. He is supposed to enforce what Congress decides.

The BP behavior is reminiscent of how, immediately after assuming office, Mr. Obama, with no Congressional authority or administrative allowance, simply made a phone call to fire the head of GM. When I called the White House press office to ask under what law or regulation Mr. Obama was acting, I was told he did not need a law. If the government put a lot of money into GM, it could call the shots at GM, I was told. But under what authority, I asked. "None needed," was the final answer.

Without any new legislation, President Obama has used returned TARP money as a political slush fund to prop up favorite industries. This is the same problem: serious executive action without legislative authority.

The same goes for Mr. Obama's demand that BP pay the lost wages of oil and gas workers suspended from work because of the moratorium on Gulf of Mexico underseas drilling. There simply was no legislation allowing this kind of specific demand. Mr. Obama's demand was in the nature of a threat, more than a Constitutional act.(14)

These are the acts of a big city boss or a third world dictator.(15)

Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, resigned, for another position with same or greater 6 figure salary as an "advisor". Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said George Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. He is a black activist with strong anti-white views.
Guantanamo Closure/Bay Czar,
Daniel Fried, is sitting on his hands over Gitmo, and loving all that "money for nothing." Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Health Czar, Nancy-Ann DeParle, was former head of Medicare / Medicaid. A strong Health Care Rationing proponent, she is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Information Czar, Vivek Kundra, was born in New Delhi, India. She controls all public information, including labels and news releases, for State-Run Media control. She monitors all private Internet emails, single-handedly millions hope. As recently as late August 2011, benefits of cloud computing have even lured the U.S. government, which announced its Cloud First plan last December. Over six months later some agencies, like Homeland Security, have started moving their information off of physical data centers. According to The New York Times' Sean Collins' Walsh. "[The] vision for a leaner and more Internet-centric future for government is being met with caution by at least a few of the technology chiefs at the federal agencies that now have to carry it out." That's because like all seemingly great things, the cloud has both major benefits and major drawbacks. One that comes to mind is snoopability by the government and losing all your data.(23)

Climate (Mythology) Czar, Todd Stern, is anti-business former White House chief of Staff, strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord, was pushing hard for Cap and (Tax)Trade with discredited and mythical global warming to fleece tax money. Todd Stern blames US business for world poverty.

Global Intelligence Czar, Dennis Blair, a retired Navy officer, stopped the US guided missile program because protecting America was “provocative”. Chairman of ultra-liberal “Council on Foreign Relations” which blames American organizations for regional wars.
Mideast Peace Czar,
George Mitchell, is a former Senator from Maine, Left wing radical, who has said (tiny, little) Israel should be split up into “2 or 3 “ smaller more manageable plots”. Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual.
****Obama in June,2008 told a homosexual activist group he opposes the "divisive and discriminatory efforts" to install in the California constitution a definition of marriage limiting it to one man and one woman, the report card says. Later told UN that gays should have extra rights,etc.

His wife, Michelle, told the Democratic National Commmittee's "Gay" and Lesbian Leadership Council, "Barack has made crystal clear his commitment to ensuring full equality for LGBT couples … that's why he opposes all divisive and discriminatory constitutuional amendments, whether it's a proposed amendment to the California and Florida constitutions or the U.S. Constitution."

Pay Czar, Kenneth Feinberg, was Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Kenneth Feinberg served pro bono for the 9/11 fund. Did he see Obama's "pro bono" at Chicago's "Man's Country" where a REAL ID (Harrison J. Bounel) (20) was required for admission claim reliable sources? Is this a FYI sheet from the "club"?(18)
There is more exoneration to Lawrence Sinclair, but what fills a crucial void in this story of Obama the gayster, as how he traveled around the world from being an Indonesian Muslim adoptee to Pakistani Muslim partridge hunter.
Wayne Madsen Report has
vindicated Larry Sinclair
5-24-10 and included Rahm (the boy ballet dancer) Emmanuel as a member of the gay club, Chicago's "Man's Country". Man's Country,the bath house, was established for older white men and it has been in operation for 30 years and is well-known in the gay community as one of uptown Chicago's "grand old bathhouses." WMR was told by sources familiar with the bath house that it provides lifetime memberships to paying customers and that the club's computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. Seen as a threat, sources familiar with "Man's Country" believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged and "cleaned" the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Barack Obama and Emanuel. Records are required by Illinois law in case of STDs. U.S. Secret Service agents even in the office of a bath house were most likely uncomfortable. (19)
A rational explanation of common denominator in Barack (Barry Soetoro) Obama's mysterious background was the rich gay sugar daddies prowling Chicago seeking hostesses like Barry Soetoro when in Chicago town.

Pictures online reveal Obama sitting cheek-to-cheek on a couch with "Sadik", a rich Paki roommate.
The limo being a common link which would tie in Man's Country, the Chicago gay scene, and even the gay promotions coming out of Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology religion. Out of 3 "Church gaysters" two were murdered, the third dying of AIDS.

Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein,is a liberal but was not a judge nor a "Mama". That was Cass Elliot. Cass Sunstein believes free speech needs to be limited for the “common good=E 2 whatever that means. Sunstein rails against personal freedoms many times such as private gun ownership. Cass Sunstein believes animals should be represented by lawyers in court. We insult all the animals by referring to vicious, murderous criminals as "animals". Science Czar, John Holdren, is a fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Sunstein claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico. Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico. Sunstein is walking, talking proof that liberalism is a mental disorder like many other czars.
Sudan Czar Jonathan Scott Gration, is the special envoy to Sudan believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations. TARP Czar: Herb Allison- Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings. Terrorism Czar: John Brennan- Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Barach H. Barback Obama disband US military.
Technology Czar, Aneesh Chopra, has no technology training. Aneesh Chopra worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Aneesh Chopra is an anti-doctor activist. Aneesh Chopra supports Obama Health care rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the government health care plan to cut their incomes. Doctors are expected to go through school, slave as interns, then take whatever the government health care plan decides to pay them. If anything, this will encourage even more fraud, doctors getting into trouble and deceit and rationing. Hillary Clinton's closed-room conventions with were a wrecking ball that informed insurance companies that they should limit life-saving drugs and treatments and they could and should legally do so. Many insured have received one time prescriptions then were refused more medication coverage. This was the prelude to universal sprocket health care, one size fits all, one astronomical charge yearly fits all unless getting a "waiver" like 3000 have. There are 3000 stories in the naked waiver city, and YOU don't even want to know ONE of them.
The Urban Affairs Czar, Adolfo Carrion Jr., is a Puerto Rican, anti- American activist and leftist group member in Latin America. Millionaire “slum lord” of the Bronx, NY. Adolfo Carrion Jr. alledgedly owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from “sweetheart” deals with labor unions. He wants higher taxes from workers and investers to pay for minority housing and health care for gangbangers, pimps and others. Weapons Czar, Ashton Baldwin Carter, is Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics since April of 2009. (6)Ashton Baldwin Carter is a Leftist who wants all private weapons in the U.S. destroyed. He supports the UN ban on firearms ownership in America. No Other “policy” will do.

WMD Policy Czar is Gary S. Samore and a former US Communist. He wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other “policy”.
Gary Samore is vice president, director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). As an expert on nuclear proliferation and arms control, especially in the Middle East and Asia, Samore is one of the few who is actually qualified.(14)

Earl Devaney, the Stimulus Accountability Czar. Officially, he is Chair of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. He is alledged to have wasted prior entire life trying to take guns away from American citizens so they can get shot by home invaders and gang bangers.
Former FBI Agent W. Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Capitalist first published in 1970 documents the story of those individuals and foundations hell bent on bringing The New World Order to full mayheim mode completion!(4)
Dr. Carroll Quigley’s
(1966) Book: Tragedy and Hope—A History of the World In Our Time.Dr. Carroll Quigley of Harvard, Princeton and Georgetown Universities was associated with a number of the richest families involved in The New World Order. Quigley saw himself as a knowledgable “insider,” and he claimed he had access to the secret sensitive files of those dynastic super-rich families.
The “tragedy” is represented by those who get in the way of those bringing forth this “new age” of illustrious peace, but those bringing forward The New World Order ("Progressives" and Democrat Socialists and their "fellow traveller R.I.N.O. liberals)
are the “hope” of the world. (5)
The Surprise Tea Party in Surprise, Ariz., who have expressed in writing their concerns that the voting rights of Maricopa County residents in the 2012 presidential election could be compromised if Obama were to use a forged birth certificate to establish his eligibility under Article 1, Section 2, of the Constitution.
Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County,AZ said,"The Cold Case Posse is a good place to put this investigation," Arpaio said. "The individuals on this posse have been sworn in by me and I have granted them the authority required to conduct this investigation."(11)

Harrison J. Bounel
5046 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615
Social Security number SSN 042-68-4425

A Harrison J. Bounel was discovered by a self-described debt collector AKA skip tracer named Al who found that Chicago’s upscale Kenwood neighborhood at 5046 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615, corresponded to Obama's Social Security number SSN 042-68-4425 and address in November of 2009. Alibaster Hindenburgt believes Bounel is a false name,
"Bounel" posted a picture of his "weiner" [sic]; in this case, Vice President Joe Biden.

"I don't think any other president has come close to my record of achievement," another "Bounel" post boasts, "71 rounds of golf in less than 29 months. I'm phenomenal!"

Referring to the now famous White House photo of Obama watching footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's hiding place with Hillary Clinton and others, "Bounel" writes, "[CIA Director Leon Panetta] and Hillary dragged me away from a great round of golf. They told me we were gonna watch 'Survivor' and vote someone off the island.(22)
One possible explanation for the mystery behind Obama’s birth certificate could be this. There was an infant girl that was born on the same day as the president but she died a day later. Could Obama have gotten this number issued for this girl? The numbers published on the twins, Tonio and Virginia Sunahara's birth certificates is lower than Obama’s. His was stamped with a certificate number three days earlier. Yet Virginia Sunahara’s vital records have been located in the Hawaii birth and death records, (23)
No birth announcement appeared for Virginia Sunahara in either Honolulu newspaper unlike Obama.. The death announcement for the girl, was under the name of her father, Tomio Sunahara. It appeared in the Honolulu Advertiser on Aug. 8, 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on Aug. 14, 1961. Now Hawaii law requires registration of a death within three days and a registration of a birth within seven days..

Susan Nordyke was the first child, with the birth certificate number 10637, then Gretchen Nordyke, received the number 10638. But Barack Obama’s birth certificate number was 10641, even though it was registered three days BEFORE the Nordykes’ certificates. But if the number 10641 was first assigned to Virginia Sunahara, then that could explain this big conspiracy. Then Obama’s records could be forged because “they” knew they could get away using this “dead girls” number without the family ever knowing?
No birth announcement appeared for Virginia Sunahara in either Honolulu newspaper unlike Obama.. The death announcement for the girl, was under the name of her father, Tomio Sunahara. It appeared in the Honolulu Advertiser on Aug. 8, 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on Aug. 14, 1961. Now Hawaii law requires registration of a death within three days and a registration of a birth within seven days.(24)(25)

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Stifled, muffled and obfuscated by MSM...

Liberalism has auto-LAID itself by allowing public sleeping on NYC sidewalks!!!
Under a 2000 federal court ruling, the use of “public sleeping as a means of symbolic expression” is allowed on public sidewalks in New York City as long as you do not block pedestrians or doorway entrances and exits. See METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, INC., Plaintiff, -against- HOWARD SAFIR, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, et al., June 12, 2000 [99 F. Supp. 2d 438; 2000 U.S. Dist.]

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.
Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)

Besides,"The President of the United States of America must be a [var]natural-born[/var] citizen of the United States."(21)

A Nation Of Sheep Will Beget A Government Of Wolves - Edward R. Murrow
When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty - Thomas Jefferson
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

- David Rockefeller, Bilderberg, 1991

The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.

- Thomas Jefferson
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato

(4)Skousen (1970) (1993), The Naked Capitalist. Buccaneer Books; Cutchogue, New York.
(5)Quigley (1966), Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time (First Edition); Macmillan Company, New York.


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